On May 23 Students of the Economy and Management in International Business MBA Programme headed by Professor of Regional Management and National Politics D. I. Gorodetsky visited the Domodedovo District.
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A group of students from the leading Universities of the United States arrived in May in the context of cooperation between the School of Business and International Proficiency Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) at MGIMO.
Digital Economy MBA Programme students visited the leading Russian private medicine Invitro Holding on May 16. They learned about the most advanced tendencies in developing digital technologies and their use in medicine, visited a biotechnical research laboratory and saw live operation of a 3-D bioprinter, consulted on innovations with one of the Company’s top managers Dmitri Fadin and familiarized themselves with modern technologies of performing laboratory research.
Representatives of IBM conducted a practical seminar for the professors and the students of the joint MGIMO and MIPT Digital Economy Programme on April 18.
The Digital Economy МВА Programme had its Open House day on May 15. It is a joint programme between Russia’s two leading universities MGIMO and MIPT.
May 19th saw the opening ceremony of the V International MGIMO Alumni Forum at the Symposiums Palace of the Alisher Navoi National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On May 13th, within the country studies course «Modern Israel», which is a MGIMO/Israel Institute in Washington joint project, Professor of Bar-Ilan University Larissa Remennik delivered a lecture to the students of the University.
MGIMO presents a course on the Coursera platform «Political Geography», developed by Associate Professor of the Comparative Political Studies Department I. Yu. Okunev.
April 25th saw the presentation of an Executive МВА programme, where law and international relations experts M. Yu. Zinovieva and I. N. Timofeev delivered a lecture on the impact of Western sanctions on Russian individuals, their effects and ways to lift them.
MGIMO presents another course on the Coursera platform — «Tax and Taxation: Special Tax Regimes», developed by L. A. Yunusov, professor of the Management, Marketing and Foreign and Economic Activities Department.
On April 22nd, within the country studies course «Modern Israel», which is a MGIMO/Israel Institute in Washington joint project, President of the Israel Institute Itamar Rabinovich delivered a lecture to the students of the University.
On April 15th, within the country studies course “Modern Israel”, which is a MGIMO/Israel Institute in Washington joint project, Itai Brun, Brigadier General (Res.), deputy director of the Institute for National Security Studies in Israel (INSS), professor of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC Herzliya) delivered a lecture to the students of the University.
MGIMO presents a new course based on the Coursera platform — «Digital Technologies in International Finance» developed by S. Yu. Pertseva, Associate Professor of the International Finance Department.
On April 11th, member of the Board of Directors of UC «Rusal» and PJSC «Quadra» Daniel Wolf gave an open lecture entitled «Working in the Constantly Changing World». In his lecture the well-known financier tried to look into the future to answer the question What will the future be like in 30-40 years’ time and what measures should be taken to adapt to the changes for a specialist to always remain high-profile and in demand.
On April 11th, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia S. L. Levin visited MGIMO. He met with the leadership of the University and gave a lecture entitled «Developing Agriculture in Russia: New Challenges».
Executive MBA «Production Management» students are on an educational visiting module at UMMC-Holding, April 3-6 in Yekaterinburg and Verkhnyaya Pyshma.
MBA students were on an educational trip to Oxford, April 1-5, and had classes in the programme «Business Growth».
On April 1st, within the country studies course «Modern Israel», which is a MGIMO/Israel Institute in Washington joint project, Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Sociology and Anthropology Department Gad Yair delivered a lecture to the students of the University.
April 1st, the course organized at the University of Oxford for MGIMO MBA students began.
MGIMO presents another course on the platform Coursera — «Public-Private Law in Developing Infrastructure in Russia».
March 4th, in the framework of the second course dedicated to «Modern Israel», Ariel Roth, Director of the Israel Institute in Washington, delivered a lecture on the rise of the Jewish state. The course is jointly implemented by MGIMO and the Israel Institute in Washington and sponsored by the embassy of Israel in Moscow and the School of Business and International Proficiency.
February 18th, the second course on «Modern Israel», jointly designed by MGIMO and the Israel Institute in Washington, was launched by the Ambassador of Israel in Russia, Harry Koren. The guest remarked with gratitude that the Russian population’s increased interest in Israel is partly MGIMO’s doing.
February 18th, MGIMO Rector A. V. Torkunov met with students of leading US universities studying business and international relations at MGIMO. The programme «Business and International Relations» is organized by the School of Business and International Proficiency and the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).
From 7 February till 17 May, the students of the first intake of "Sports Diplomacy" MA Programme will undertake a study placement in sports organizations.
Today the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency Еxecutive MBA launches a visiting module «Management Fast-Track Program» (GISMA Business School) to be held in Berlin from January 28 till February 1. The academic advisor of this programme is Professor A.V.Shashkova.
January 25th saw a traditional winter meeting of School of Business MBA and Executive MBA students and alumni.
January 18th, MGIMO was visited by Tim Mescon, executive vice president and chief officer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
January 16th, MGIMO’s Vice-Rector for General Affairs Artem Malgin had an interview with Jean-Philippe Muller, Director General of the International University of Monaco. The Coordinator of the School of Business and International Proficiency Angelika Mirzoyeva also attended the meeting.
E.A.Kozlovskaya, Deputy Director of the Odintsovo Branch and HR-practitioner, delivered a two-day master-class entitled «Staff Management for CEO/ HR for Non-HR», December 1 till December 2 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The event was organized by the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan.
A group of students from US leading universities visited MGIMO as part of the cooperation agreement between the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency and CIEE, September 1 till December 20.
December 13th, lecturers and professors who attended a short-term programme «Information and Analytical System Thomson Reuters Eikon for Learning and Research» got their advanced training certificates.
December 6th, a workshop was held within the MGIMO MBA-MIPT joint programme «Digital Economy». At the workshop the students learnt about the development of digital technologies in MIPT. The event took place in the city Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, where the institute campus and the majority of scientific laboratories are located.
December 4th saw the signing of an enhanced cooperation agreement between the School of Business and International Proficiency and Baikal Communications Group. The document was signed by MGIMO Vice-Rector A. V. Malgin and BCG Director E. M. Voiteko.
A. M. Mirzoeva, Director of the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency, had an advanced training within the programme «The Academy of Business Education» developed by the Moscow School of Management «Skolkovo» and EFMD Global Network (European Fund of Management Development).
November 15th saw the beginning of the «Management in Fashion Industry» programme, implemented by the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency together with the British Higher School of Art and Design.
Students of the MGIMO-MIPT joint programme «Digital Economy» continue to study commercial approaches to using digital technologies by visiting leading companies. They had an interesting visit to the Yandex headquarters, November 8.
MGIMO presents a new course based on the Coursera platform — «Macro economy: Introduction», developed by I. A. Strelets, Professor at the Applied Economy Department.
October 26th, MGIMO held an opening ceremony of three MBA specializations: «Digital Economy» (together with MIPT), «Financial Director», and «Economy and Management in International Business».
October 25th , the School of Business launched the Executive MBA programme.
October 11th, MGIMO held a ceremony of awarding diplomas to «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme alumni (fourth graduation).
September 27-30, MGIMO conducted a visiting ЕМВА module in Sochi devoted to investment design and sustainable development of regions. The programme was developed by the academic advisor A. V. Shashkova together with Sochi State University and the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee.
MGIMO presents a new course based on the Coursera platform — «Micro economy: Introduction», developed by I. A. Strelets, Professor at the Applied Economy Department.
October 1st saw the launch of the advanced training programme «Strategic Management in an Insurance Company» for the staff from Uzbekinvest National Export-Import Insurance Company.
September 20th, the School of Business and International Proficiency held an open house event. The guests were welcomed by A. M. Mirzoeva, Director of the School of Business and International Proficiency, academic advisors of EMBA and MBA, master degree and advanced training programmes.