MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO MBA: Fashion Industry

MGIMO MBA: Fashion Industry

15 November 2018

MGIMO MBA: Fashion Industry

November 15th saw the beginning of the «Management in Fashion Industry» programme, implemented by the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency together with the British Higher School of Art and Design.

November 15th saw the beginning of the «Management in Fashion Industry» programme, implemented by the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency together with the British Higher School of Art and Design.

V. Yagubyants, Vice-Director of the Business School of MGIMO, and D. Yadernaya, BHSAD programme coordinator, Director General of the international consulting company in fashion industry Y Consulting gave a welcome speech before the students.

The programme is a unique combination of methodology and classical approach to MGIMO MBA education and experience, creativity, business tools employed in BHSAD.

Lecturers of fashion business-related disciplines still work in this sphere. Among them are Nikita Aronov, Brand-Director of «Kalashnikov» Concern, Marina Kazakova, Woodie Bureau owner and Merchandising&Windows training creator, Nadezhda Sachek, Purchasing Director in LaModa. ru, Kseniya Leri, Head of the TrendWatching agency Trendsquire, and others.

Students have an opportunity to interact with international fashion designers and fashion experts.

Moreover, under this programme students can go to the International University of Monaco to be educated there through taking an intensive course.

Upon completion of the programme, the students get two diplomas (one from the MGIMO School of Business and the other from the British Higher School of Art and Design).