MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency



9 May 2012


Anna Sheretova, Chief Financial Officer, Borovichi Refractories Plant JSC, MBA graduate with specialization "Financial Director" 2020

My advice to the MBA students is to focus on listening. Do not just passively listen but capture the essence of the subjects. Look for touch points with your current activities, get to know as many people as you can, communicate, establish connections, and even not necessarily business connections, but just friendships. By doing that you will certainly be able to apply the acquired knowledge at your place of employment. You will be able to bring fresh ideas, improve your business, and the two years you spent at a business school will certainly leave a bright mark on your life.

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Maksim Mironov, Vice-President-Head of the “Center” division of the JSC “Renaissance Insurance Group”, MBA “Economy and Management in International Business” graduate 2019

I believe that it is imperative to study on a permanent basis. The world changes fast, the amount of information grows rapidly, what was important yesterday is no longer relevant today. That is why, it is necessary to improve and develop new skills to compete in your profession. I find it crucial that the MBA Programme aims to study trends in international business and form a new culture of entrepreneurship and management. Studying at MGIMO provides an atmosphere of dialogue, an open exchange of views and knowledge. Communication with colleagues gives you a clear picture of how different business areas develop, what problems we face and how we solve them.

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Zaur Agaronov, LLC “FBC Leader North-West” Executive Director, EMBA programme graduate

There were both subjective and objective factors. While I was taking a decision, I was working in Moscow’s large development company and the leadership of the company did not want me to combine work and study. Otherwise, I would end up quitting my job to study in the USA, with no salary, and I got a not quite relevant experience in the US. That was why, I found the idea to work and study in Russia quite promising. MGIMO is a dream for any Russian student, and I was no exception. MBA was invented in the west. It is perhaps the forge of diplomats that can replicate, reproduce and adapt MBA programmes in Russia.

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Daria Longley-Sinitsyna, a 2008 graduate of our Business School

I chose to study at the MBA programme at MGIMO for several reasons. The first reason was the presence of a unique specialization at the MGIMO School of Business, which I needed. I considered many MBA options, including American ones, but MGIMO stood out as the best option enhanced by the presence of a specialised “International Oil and Gas Business” directive. Secondly, MGIMO traditionally has an emphasis on face to face interaction with professors and lecturers, which is currently not available in most Western universities. The fact is that in obtaining modern Western MBA diplomas, preference is now given to the concept of supervised self-study. I believe that an MBA student needs direct face to face help. It is necessary to send impulses that will give students the desire to improve themselves after the end of the course. The MGIMO Business School faculty provided these options which I saw as paramount to a solid programme. During the passage of the MBA programme, I attended the modules in Moscow while commuting from professional consulting services in Australia, and never regretted it.

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Timur Bidgiev, MBA «International Oil and Gas Business» graduate

In today’s age of globalization of the world economies multinational corporations are making a lot of effort spreading their influence on domestic markets. This trend motivates you to learn international experience and how you can incorporate it into today’s Russian reality in order to improve the competitive performance of our national economy. I think a university that focuses on foreign relationships can offer the most favorable programmes that meet the challenge facing businesses and the economy as a whole.

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Anna Frolova, Head of PR-service, AvtoSpetsCentr Group

I benefited a lot from studying at the «Public Relations: Business Communications Management» vocational retraining programme. Thanks to this well-organized programme I was able to systematize, refresh my skills and knowledge and bring it up to date. I think it’s a great opportunity both for a current PR-specialist and someone who is just looking to become one. MGIMO also allowed me to improve my knowledge, learn new things, meet people from other companies and fields of activity, and of course grown professionally. I would also like to thank my studying group and teaching staff and those great speakers.

Sergey Eluferiev, lawyer, MBA programme «Corporate Director» graduate

The programme got me back to my alma mater, where I received my degree in International Law in 1999. I did my research on many other MBA programs from various educational institutions. I ended up applying for the «Corporate Director» program in my university and I never regretted my decision. You can be sure that the traditionally high for MGIMO teaching level has remained on its level until today. I was impressed not only by the quality of the theoretical material taught in the school but also by the number of practical issues which were thoroughly broken down for us by the lecturers among whom were biggest experts from the leading Russian and international corporations. I think it was this practical experience that we were able adopt that, in my opinion, turned out to be the most relevant for all listeners of the program. What has my chosen MBA program given to me? At the end of the day, it was reassessment and adjustment of the already acquired knowledge and experience as well as acquiring the new ones, meeting some great new people, discovering for ourselves new professional opportunities and areas. For me my MBA degree is primarily a mark of my personal growth and then my career development. I want to say thank you to all the people responsible for creating this program as well as the teaching staff.

Yuriy Shamara, vice president investment engineering holding «Kuban’ oil and gas Company», MBA Programme «International oil and gas business» graduate

For me the MBA Program was a certain step in my personal growth and development. It gave me a systemic vision of business, understanding of how it can be utilized, changed my scale of thinking, allowed me to raise my external status and self-esteem. It is an opportunity to critically evaluate you previous managerial experience and success in business so that you become eager to achieve even more and do it effectively and in style. I had studied oil and gas industry before and I have got to tell you the scope of the material covered in the program blows your mind: it ranges from business statistics, finance and credit to legal basis of business, ecological and economic aspects and team formation techniques. The experience and professionalism of the teaching personnel are very impressive. I am thankful for the years I spent doing my MBA program, I am grateful to the people I was able to meet over that period of time.

Irina Iskakova, Head of Public Relations of the Analytical Center of the Russian Government, listener of the «Public relations: the latest communication technologies» Programme

For me this program provided a great opportunity not only to obtain new knowledge but to review what we learnt with my colleagues. We were quite fortunate: it was a very strong group of people, it represented totally different areas of our occupation from a prominent western European PR company to a considerable Russian military institution. Such a wide range of practical experience allowed me to discover for myself new dimensions in the field of communications activity. Each lesson was useful and relevant for me. Thank you!

Alexy Chermenin, the MBA Programme «Human resources management» listener

One of the biggest advantages of this programme is that the specialized disciplines were taught by actual professional practitioners. Those people worked for a long time in various areas of business and achieved invaluable practical knowledge. One can learn a lot from them.