MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

Fourth Graduation of «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme

Fourth Graduation of «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme

11 October 2018

Fourth Graduation of «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme

October 11th, MGIMO held a ceremony of awarding diplomas to «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme alumni (fourth graduation).

October 11th, MGIMO held a ceremony of awarding diplomas to «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme alumni (fourth graduation).

Employees from LLC «UMMC-Holding», JSC «RZHD», LLC «SLGOperating», LLC «TLC «Bely Rast»» and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo got their MBA degrees.

A. V. Rogozhin, Deputy Director General of LLC «UMMC-Holding», I. A. Osipova, Head of Staff Training Department, V. V. Svetonosov, Head of Sales Management Service, were among those who came to congratulate the alumni.

The MGIMO «International Transport Operations» MBA Programme is one of the first MBA programmes in Russia, which trains specialists to work effectively in the sphere of international transport operations and logistics both at home and abroad.