16 May 2019
Digital Economy MBA Programme students visited the leading Russian private medicine Invitro Holding on May 16. They learned about the most advanced tendencies in developing digital technologies and their use in medicine, visited a biotechnical research laboratory and saw live operation of a 3-D bioprinter, consulted on innovations with one of the Company’s top managers Dmitri Fadin and familiarized themselves with modern technologies of performing laboratory research.
Digital Economy MBA Programme students visited the leading Russian private medicine Invitro Holding on May 16. They learned about the most advanced tendencies in developing digital technologies and their use in medicine, visited a biotechnical research laboratory and saw live operation of a 3-D bioprinter, consulted on innovations with one of the Company’s top managers Dmitri Fadin and familiarized themselves with modern technologies of performing laboratory research.
The students’ from the MBA Digital Economy Programme field trip to a modern company in the field of laboratory diagnostics was set up by Invitro together with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology responsible for the differentiation courses in the joint program.