MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

Lectures by I.B.Turuyev for the students of MBA Fınance dual degree programme MGIMO - ADA Unıversıty in Baku

Lectures by I.B.Turuyev for the students of MBA Fınance dual degree programme MGIMO - ADA Unıversıty in Baku

9 July 2023

Lectures by I.B.Turuyev for the students of MBA Fınance dual degree programme MGIMO - ADA Unıversıty in Baku

On July 6-8, there was an educational module held in Baku for the first year students of MGIMO-ADA Unıversıty (Azerbaijan) dual degree MBA programme «Fınance».

The module on «Internal control, audit and compliance» was conducted by professor of the Department of International Finance of MGIMO, First Vice-President, head of Department of Internal Audit of Gazprombank I.B.Turuev.

Lectures and business cases covered innovative tools in the field of audit and internal financial control system. Special attention was paid to current developments in blockchain technologies and digital currencies, as well as ESG-awareness and neuroshields applied in the banking industry.

MBA «Fınance»  MGIMO - ADA Unıversıty programme has been successfully implemented since 2019. Educational modules are held in Baku and Moscow. In the autumn semester the students will visit the leading banking and IT companies during the Moscow module.

Recruitment for the programme is now open.

Find out more on the programme’s website.