19 March 2020
On 19 March, the School of Business and International Proficiency made a transition to online learning: all classes are now digital.
On 19 March, the School of Business and International Proficiency made a transition to online learning: all classes are now digital.
Lectures and seminars are conducted with the help of the following servers: Webinar.ru, Zoom, Google Classroom, WhenSpeak. They are the most popular platforms. Last week lecturers underwent some training on how to integrate digital services into the learning process, and now they have taken on this challenging task with full commitment.
The classes are held according to the schedule. Some professors conduct classes from home, others come to MGIMO to deliver classes from the rooms they are used to.
No doubt, distance learning will never replace live communication, however, all of us – students and lecturers, and administration – despite the difficult situation in the world are enthusiastic and optimistic about our future, which is now hard to imagine without digital technologies.