11 September 2018
The MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency ranks third among business schools in Russia, according to the IX Narodny Ranking of Russian business schools.
The MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency ranks third among business schools in Russia, according to the IX Narodny Ranking of Russian business schools.
Narodny Ranking of Russian business schools is an «MBA in Moscow and Russia» portal involving the Russian MBA’s League and is the most unbiased ranking of Russian business schools since it is based on assessments and opinions of MBA / Executive MBA alumni.
The present ranking does not use any weights or adjusting factors, points or expert opinions. The objective ranking is defined by the absence of direct or indirect financial participation of business schools while creating the ranking.
The survey was conducted on the «MBA in Moscow and Russia» portal involving business school alumni associations. The ranking considered the assessments and opinions of 2014-2016 alumni representing 41 business schools from 9 cities.
The MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency ranks third among leading business schools in Russia holding one of the highest positions on the list.