MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

Executive MBA Students Have Completed Studies and Defended Their Graduation Projects

Executive MBA Students Have Completed Studies and Defended Their Graduation Projects

19 June 2020

Executive MBA Students Have Completed Studies and Defended Their Graduation Projects

On June 18th, the School of Business and International Proficiency held a graduation projects defense of Executive МВА students.

On June 18th, the School of Business and International Proficiency held a graduation projects defense of Executive МВА students.

The fourth stream of a two-year Executive МВА programme finished their studies by defending their graduation projects.

Among the diploma projects presented, the following are worth mentioning: Business during the “ideal storm” (based on the Prince Group), Evolution of e-commerce amid business transformation into business ecosystems, and Influence of corporate culture on organizational competitiveness.

Two Executive MBA students finished the Programme cum laude. They are I.Lepiev, the Prince Group Board Chairman, and V.Kornilov, Director of retail sales of the M.Video brand of the M.Video-Eldorado Group.

The School of Business and International Proficiency wishes the graduates luck in putting their projects in practice.