MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency Programme Profiles on AMBA Site

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency Programme Profiles on AMBA Site

5 March 2020

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency Programme Profiles on AMBA Site

Following the successful reaccreditation Association of MBAs (АМВА), a MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency programme profile was set up on the Association site: МВА and Executive MBA.

Following the successful reaccreditation Association of MBAs (АМВА), a MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency programme profile was set up on the Association site: МВА and Executive MBA.

AMBA accreditation attests to the high quality of the programmes implemented in the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency.