MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency

MGIMO Professors improve professional skills on the Coursera platform

MGIMO Professors improve professional skills on the Coursera platform

17 June 2019

MGIMO Professors improve professional skills on the Coursera platform

Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Management and National Policy R. N. Shpakova underwent a course on «Political Geography» (written by Associate Professor of the Department of comparative politics I. Y. Okunev).

Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Management and National Policy R. N. Shpakova underwent a course on «Political Geography» (written by Associate Professor of the Department of comparative politics I. Y. Okunev).

The course is used when studying political science, international relations and foreign regional studies, since it gives a systematic view of the space structure of all levels of political processes and their basic elements: States, integration unions, geopolitical systems, regions, borders, capitals, dependent and international territories.

R. N. Shpakova says, the online course of Political |Geography was developed very professionally. The course is very informative, it’s amazing how much information you can give in a webinar only seven minutes long. Very high quality recording of the webinar and the presentation itself, pleasant well-bred speech by the coach. The test tasks are not the easiest ones, composed strictly by the lectures, they don’t give you a chance to answer without thinking. The certificate training certificate arrived within ten minutes after sending the answers to the final test. By the way, Coursera doesn’t let you forget of the need to continue education. They constantly send you motivating letters to complete the ahead-of-schedule, which is what I did. I am very grateful to the MGIMO School of Business and personally to the author of the training course for the possibility to study whenever you have the inspiration".